Feature Codes

Here is a list of feature codes for our phone system. Please note not all our activated by default.

Speak last number *37 Speaks the last number that called your current extension.
Enable/Disable Follow me *67 Toggle to enable or disable Follow me on your extension
Direct Pickup *07 When you are on a call, capture a call that is ringing at another extension in your pickup group. You will need to dial the feature code followed by the extension number that you want to answer
Pickup Group *08 When you are on a call, capture a call that is ringing at any other extension in your pickup group. To use this facility is necessary to create call group and pickup group in the extensions dialog.
Speak Date and Time *70 Speak the current system date and time
Speak Your Extension Number *71 Speak the extension number that you are calling from
Echo Test *72 Echo test to measure the response time.
Simulate Incoming Call *73 Simulate an incoming call to test ringing of the phone
Custom Recording *92 Used to record a message.
Send Voicemail Message *95 Allows you to dial any extension and leave a voicemail message. For example, dialling *95*2492 will allow you to leave a voicemail message for extension 2492
Direct Voicemail *97 Direct entry to the voicemail system to listen to voicemail for the current extension – only requires the user to input the voicemail password
Remote Voicemail *98 Remote entry to the voicemail system to listen to voicemail for any extension – requires the user to input both an extension number and the voicemail password for that extension